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Always looking for more ways to help, we arrived at volunteer tourism, our new income generation project. We believe in the tourist potential of Tete and its region, not only for its beautiful landscapes and culture, but through coexistence with always kind and smiling people who teach us the value of a GOOD MORNING and the power of a SMILE to transform our day.


Find out more about us ;-)​


I'm Brazilian Liliana Helena Campos. Between the years 2018 and 2020,  I lived in Mozambique,  Tete province, Tete city,  and there I was part of a group of Brazilians living in the city called


The objective of this group was to try to improve the lives of some people by donating food, clothes, toys, school supplies and construction materials to needy families.

We raised the money for these actions through donations from friends,  relatives, and  promoting bazaars.

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+55 35 9993-3032


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Every Sunday,  the mata-bicho (breakfast) was prepared by our group,  for the children of the Fonte de Água Viva Children Association, in Nhantambala, a rural community located 40 minutes from the city of Tete. In addition to the animal killing, there were games, dancing and singing.  The Association's mission is to guide young people from Nhantambala in school tasks, sexuality and professional training. The Fonte de Água Viva Children Association was our first partner in Tete.

After we returned to Brazil, at the beginning of the pandemic, the Elo do Bem group lost some members, leaving just me and Lu. We continue helping the community of Nhantambala, sending to Mozambique, every month, an amount of 7000 meticais (Mozambique's currency), equivalent to R$ 536.24  according to the exchange rate at the time, for the purchase of basic food baskets which  were delivered to 15 families in Nhantambala. The distribution of the baskets was carried out by our partners at Fonte de Água Viva Children Association.


We raised the money to buy baskets, mainly through donations from some friends and relatives, we sold bags made from capulana, an African fabric that we brought in Tete's suitcase, and by raffling off cell phones.


After sending basic food baskets to Nhantambala for a year, our partnership with Associação Crianças Fonte de Água Viva ended. So we started a new project called Small Business, of social assistance in Tete, establishing a partnership with the Associação Juvenil União Faz a Força (AJUF), our partners currently  in Tete. 


AJUF is a non-profit association whose mission is to play a driving role in the creation and provision of excellent social, educational, sporting and cultural services. AJUF projects include events and training on Citizenship and Youth through theater plays. 


The mission  of the new  project is to create opportunities for  women  widows, separated  and unemployed women with young children, financing small businesses, such as selling vegetables, soft drinks  and snacks.

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Author: Lucilene Maria Campos

We started financing 10 families in July 2021,  with the loan of 800 meticais  (R$ 69.41). Of these 800 meticais,  we charge back 400,  which are returned by the beneficiary to the Elo do Bem group, within the stipulated period of 2 months, this returned money will be used to finance the next groups of 10 families.


One of the criteria for a family to be selected for the project is that their children are enrolled in school. In October 2021 we gained another member for the Elo do Bem group, Mila.

For each group of 10 families, an impact assessment of the results was carried out, based on a questionnaire administered by the sponsors to each beneficiary. We designated our collaborators in Tete as godparents,  bridging the gap between the Elo do Bem group in Brazil and the benefiting families in Tete, Mozambique, monitoring sales, passing on donations collected in Brazil and receiving half the value,  which will be invested in the next group of 10 families.







Get to know a little more about the project, through photos of the ladies and their stand, what they sell, the godparents, accessing our Instagram profile “equipeeelodobem” -

We managed the Pequenos Negócios project for almost two years, from July 2021 until January 2023, with the help of our partners in Tete. Today,  the project is under the responsibility of AJUF.

Volunteer Tourism

Always looking for more ways to help, we arrived at volunteer tourism, our new income generation project. We believe in the tourist potential of Tete and the region, not only because of the beautiful landscapes and culture, but because of coexistence with always kind and smiling people who teach us the value of a GOOD MORNING and the power of a SMILE to transform our day.


Combining tourism with volunteer work, we share knowledge and generate income for communities like Nhantambala, where the opportunity for residents to generate income is very small,  attributed to several factors such as lack or low education, lack of water and low nutrition.


By promoting income generation, valuing culture, sharing information, we are contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeking a fairer and more supportive society.

Finally, I would like to thank all the people who helped us write  our story, through donations of money,  time, work and goodwill.

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Discover Africa through the passionate and experienced eyes of our tour guides! At Ecovivences, we are pleased to offer a team of local guides who are true experts in the wonders and charms of this incredible continent. Find out more about them ;-)

Norberto Tomas

Norberto Tomas

Fundador da Associação Juvenil União Faz. Força - AJUF
+258 (84) 224 1272

Liliana Helena

Liliana Helena

Fundadora da empresa de turismo voluntário Ecovivências

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Volunteer in Africa

Help Marara Mission in building its library and take a cultural immersion in Nhatambala and the city of Tete in Mozambique.

CNPJ: 51.428.303/0001-40

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